Saturday, January 29, 2011

Why being 30 and single DOESN'T suck taking a break from all things decor...I want to share a little life with you.
Being in your...(gasp)...30s...and (bigger gasp) single and living in the South is quite possibly the equivalent to having a catastrophic disease. People secretly want to know what you are hiding that has left you an old maid. A lot of times, I kinda feel like the 3rd, 5th, or 7th wheel. But that's ok. I've gotten used to it. Because, I mean, let's face it - I didn't marry my high school sweetheart. I didn't meet "The One" in college. But, I am still hopeful (not desperate) that I will one day walk down the aisle with my MAN!  Overall, I still believe in romance and believe my man is out there...and boy, does he have a lot to put up with when he meets me - but that is an entirely different novel. But for now, instead of playing to the tune of "Woe Is Me" in A minor, I thought of a few reasons why being 30 and single is actually not that bad...
1. I do not have to listen to anyone snore.
2. I do not have to explain why it's crucial that I have approximately five decorative throw pillows on my bed. Nor do I have to admit that I have even more in my spare bedroom. Hey, at least I do not collect creepy porcelain dolls.
3. I can paint my room pink and do not have to emasculate anyone in the process. P.S. This new fascination with pink has now sparked my interest in all things shabby-chic.
4. I don't have to explain why half of my paycheck goes to Target...and I only brought home one bag. 
5. Should I do the most unfeminine thing and forget to flush...I'm the only one who sees it. Thank God. P.S. And no it does not happen that often.
6. I can hang out with my friends anytime...we can go dancing...and I don't ever wonder if someone is sitting at home sulking about it.
7. Lucky Charms definitely qualifies as a dinner option.
8. I am the only one who gets to answer my own questions such as "Do these jeans make me look fat?", "How was dinner?", and "What do you want to do tonight?" Which, by the way, the answers are: "Of course not; nothing makes you look fat.", "Dinner was awesome. You're such a great cook!" and "Whatever I want to do."
9. I never, ever, under any circumstances, have to watch a western or football against my will.
10. I can leave dirty dishes in my sink until...well...until whenever.

So...For now, I am 30 and single. Thanks for the compliment.

1 comment:

  1. Love it! Defintely a plau being single. I'm counseling couples right now, I'm finding more and more it is easier to be single and marrying the wrong person or the right person for the wrong reason is not a life one wants. Besides, I don't like sharing my lucky charms for dinner...
